Monday 18 June 2007

This is coming from me... Most Unexpected

My whole life... the only books I've read willingly were encyclopedias and books on animals. The total number of books I've read in my whole life... They can amount to the number of fingers I have on 1 hand.

The other books read were text books... I never had the patience to finish reading a book. Many a times I've tried to cultivate the habit of reading well because even fools know reading alot is good for you. I'm just to lazy... Every book I've tried to start off with, I've never successfully read finish it.

So from here you can guess how extremely unexpected it is for me to read a book.

Miracles do happen you know. Certain things happened to me and well due to the effects of these certain things I've started reading. Pardon my language but holy shit reading really helps!

I've just finished reading my first book. and I'll tell you just this one book alot I've learnt a tremendous amount of knowledge. This just tells me how much knowledge floating in the world I've missed out.

Guys who are similar to me who do not have the habit of reading, start. Yes, it's coming from me. The least expected person to read. It's never to late to start reading. What types of books to read? It's up to youk explore the kind that interests you.

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