Sunday 10 June 2007

Relationship Requirements - Communication

I do mean only mean love relationships between a male and a female. It covers all forms of relationship between people. Family, relatives, friends, superiors, subordinates, and yes... between two lovers...

Have you ever gone through the phase of life, whereby you feel that people don't understand you? Due to that emotion, you shut people away who you think don't understand you. You can't be bothered to talk to them.

One very fine example, myself. I always do things on my own without communicating with my family. It need not be asking for permission. Just simple notifications, how you are feeling and why you do the things that you do. I failed to communicate with my parents and they got worried. They don't know how I'm living my life outside. This miscommunication brought tears to my mother's eyes once. From then on, I realised all these would not have happened if I had just communicated.

My parents trust me to do the right things. However its a blind trust because they don't know what's going on with my life. Thus worries start happening. Imagine if I had just communicated that little bit more to shed the light on their worries, would all the unhappiness occur? No. What would have happened instead? They would'nt have worried and both my parents and I could happily carry on doing the things we set out to do. I wouldn't have felt that my parents didn't understand me and did my things with a heavy hart, and my parents could carry on with their work without worries for me.

Lesson learnt here for everyone who feels that people don't understand you... Have you placed yourself in their shoes and see if you understood yourself? How are they going to understand if you don't tell? It is like asking a 1 yr old to explain to you the harmful effects of X-Ray on human cells. No matter how intelligent a person may be, he/she needs to given access to information/knowledge to progress futher.

Everytime someone misunderstands you, try this, re-enact the whole scene of misunderstanding debates with a different perspective. Imagine you had explained to them patiently what they misunderstood and let them understand before hand. Would the "debate" occur?

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