Thursday, 13 December 2007

Thanks to my bro Zaki...

My Current Favourite Advertisement


This is the longest version available. One part is left out, When he goes "" He would ask "Is that a suburb?"... Can't find the full version... Anyone can??

Thursday, 22 November 2007

The King That Fell

Once upon a time, in the southern province of somewhere...

There was a very powerful king named The King. He has a vast empire and had nothing to worry about as neighbouring kingdoms feared angering him. He was a good king though.

He saw a beautiful girl. Lets cut the story short. Got laid and had two sons. Son A and Son B.

Many years have past and yada yada yada...

Son A is now 18 years. He is of legal age to *censored*. So his father sent him on a quest. A quest to study whatever he wants for 3 years and use what he studied to build his own empire. He went on a studying frenzy of all the books he could find to develop his skills on governing a country and searched for top nobles who lots of education to join him as his ministers.

3 years later he started his quest for his empire. and the empire grew well and prospered for the next 2 years.

At this point in time, Son B who is 5 years younger turned 18. The King then sent Son B on his quest for studying and starting his empire 3 yrs later. Son B went on a journey. A journey to all the different provinces and countries that were out of his father's kingdom. He seeked talents from the poor and studied with them.

3 years later he started his quest for his empire. In these 3 years, Son A's empire constantly grew and prospered.

Son B's empire grew amazingly fast. and in 5 years time, it was as strong as Son A's.

At this point in time 3 are 3 powers. The King, Son A and Son B, all with their own Empire. The King's empire however is 3 times their sizes.

The sons in their castle suddenly received a SMS from their father. "Hi boys! POP QUIZ! HOW DO YOU DEFEND AGAINST MY ARMY THAT IS GOING TO ATTACK YOU?!"

Fierce battles raged between the 3 kingdoms.

Outcome is? Son A's kingdom collapsed. Son B's however, survived and repelled the father's army and The King, proud of his younger son made him successor. So mathematically now, Son B owns a damn big empire.

Morale of the story? You go and think.

Thursday, 16 August 2007

Minions at work!

Check this out... This is what I call excessive killing! We cannot stop them from eating the dolphins as it is their culture. However, I feel revolted at the way these dolphins are being caught.

Eating dolphins? Fair enough, Chinese eat dogs. However the dogs are not excessively slaughtered!

What can be done to help these dolphins?

What views do you have?

Sunday, 12 August 2007

Pointless increase in my annual expense

Dog license for male dogs is now S$70! So now my dog which is already 13 years old, too weak to mate requires a license fee of $70. Let us take a good look at the rationale behind the $70 first.

The first reason stated by the letter I received is this-
Better management of dog population. My dog is already too old to mate so why do I still need to pay $70 or sterilise my dog? This is an irrelevent reason to me. This reason here is like asking a 95 year old man who stays home does nothing but eat and sleep to wear a condom for fun.

The second reason stated by some organisation-
Instil responsible pet ownership. Excuse me? Raising the expenses of raising my dog is being a more responsible pet owner? In fact the increase in expense here is not making my dog's life better? So how will this increase in price contribute to being a more responsible pet owner? Another redundant reason to raise license fee!

The third and last reason stated-
Discourage pet abandonment. Lucky for them I will not abandon my pet. However I can't say the same for the many dog owners out there in the world. Supposedly an owner has a pet, and pays $14 annually. Suddenly the fee jacks up to $70! And he reads through the rationale behind the rpice increase and realises that it is totally irrelevent to him! He will be paying for an increase in price for nothing! He doesnt see the need to pay the price increase and what does he do? He abandons the pet! Here now contributes to pet abandonment! Totally irrelevent!!!!

However all is not bad. There is always a solution.
They can adjust the affected pet owners into this category. Dogs that can still mate and new licenses that are aquired from the date of the revised legislation.

First they do not affect old dogs that cannot have fun. Secondly they discourage irresponsible owners from purchasing new pets and also do not displease present owners and prevent them from abandoning their current pet.

Still even with a simple solution... We cannot do anything about it.

Monday, 18 June 2007

This is coming from me... Most Unexpected

My whole life... the only books I've read willingly were encyclopedias and books on animals. The total number of books I've read in my whole life... They can amount to the number of fingers I have on 1 hand.

The other books read were text books... I never had the patience to finish reading a book. Many a times I've tried to cultivate the habit of reading well because even fools know reading alot is good for you. I'm just to lazy... Every book I've tried to start off with, I've never successfully read finish it.

So from here you can guess how extremely unexpected it is for me to read a book.

Miracles do happen you know. Certain things happened to me and well due to the effects of these certain things I've started reading. Pardon my language but holy shit reading really helps!

I've just finished reading my first book. and I'll tell you just this one book alot I've learnt a tremendous amount of knowledge. This just tells me how much knowledge floating in the world I've missed out.

Guys who are similar to me who do not have the habit of reading, start. Yes, it's coming from me. The least expected person to read. It's never to late to start reading. What types of books to read? It's up to youk explore the kind that interests you.

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Relationship Requirements - Communication

I do mean only mean love relationships between a male and a female. It covers all forms of relationship between people. Family, relatives, friends, superiors, subordinates, and yes... between two lovers...

Have you ever gone through the phase of life, whereby you feel that people don't understand you? Due to that emotion, you shut people away who you think don't understand you. You can't be bothered to talk to them.

One very fine example, myself. I always do things on my own without communicating with my family. It need not be asking for permission. Just simple notifications, how you are feeling and why you do the things that you do. I failed to communicate with my parents and they got worried. They don't know how I'm living my life outside. This miscommunication brought tears to my mother's eyes once. From then on, I realised all these would not have happened if I had just communicated.

My parents trust me to do the right things. However its a blind trust because they don't know what's going on with my life. Thus worries start happening. Imagine if I had just communicated that little bit more to shed the light on their worries, would all the unhappiness occur? No. What would have happened instead? They would'nt have worried and both my parents and I could happily carry on doing the things we set out to do. I wouldn't have felt that my parents didn't understand me and did my things with a heavy hart, and my parents could carry on with their work without worries for me.

Lesson learnt here for everyone who feels that people don't understand you... Have you placed yourself in their shoes and see if you understood yourself? How are they going to understand if you don't tell? It is like asking a 1 yr old to explain to you the harmful effects of X-Ray on human cells. No matter how intelligent a person may be, he/she needs to given access to information/knowledge to progress futher.

Everytime someone misunderstands you, try this, re-enact the whole scene of misunderstanding debates with a different perspective. Imagine you had explained to them patiently what they misunderstood and let them understand before hand. Would the "debate" occur?

Saturday, 9 June 2007

Words of Wisdom - 2

When you encounter a "bad" experiance;

Remember the fruitful lessons that makes you stronger and leave the pain behind.

Why would I type the word bad with " " ? Because everything happens for a reason.

Monday, 4 June 2007

Things happen for a reason.

People say bad things come in 3s. I disagree. The amount of bad things that happen to you is the amount of things you take for granted and become complacent about. Many things have happened to me these past few days; nothing serious though.

1st - I missed the deadline for paying ERP summon. Now it has hiked to $70 bucks and I just received the letter.

2nd - Remembered the parking coupon system wrongly and didnt put a coupon thinking it was a public holiday. Got another summon for that.

3rd - Looking for a new job, filled up application forms, my fax machine spoilt. Cannot fax out the forms.

4th - Knocked into another car in a carpark lot. It was not moving. What was I thinking.

5th - Supposed to pass forms for dad to use office fax machine but forgot. Another day wasted.

6th - Misunderstood and assumed by my father, again, about why things happened and got lectured for the wrong reasons.

If you take 3 times two, then I guess yea... bad things do happen in 3s... Just that I got double of it. Bad things may happen but they happen for a reason. I guess these events occured as a lesson for me.

Lessons and reminders:
1: Pay summons early!

2: Be more familier with parking systems!

3: I somehow knew I knocked the car because I was complacent about my driving. I didnt think it will knock and just carried on moving forward. So... Lesson learnt here is when things go very smoothly for a long time... in this case almost 5 yrs... we get complacent and become less careful.

4: Don't assume the causes of bad things that happen to people. I know. The feeling of being misunderstood is really really bad. So you don't want people to misunderstand you... Don't assume others.

This is not a sad post. I'm just whining, but I'm okay. Haha! Just want to share the lessons learnt.

For everything that you think is bad happens, pick out the leassons learnt and leave behind the pain. Easier said than done but it can be done. Not immediately, but take some time to calm down and think clearly.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Spiritual Search

Picking yourself up:
After starting over... You not only need to have actions... You need to have the spirit as well...

That's what I was looking for all this while... Searching so wide so far... It has always been infront of me...

Everytime I look far ahead into the future... I tend to miss out on the things infront of me... Before I get lost again... Give me a tug to remind me of the things infront of me...

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Getting up

I want to apologise for many things... Not about things that I've done wrong... It's about the right things that I should have done but didn't do... Resulting in that little discomfort...

I'm evening out the grease on the gears to get moving...

I will set things right.
I will stand up again.
I will be the fighter I once was.

Friday, 4 May 2007

How would you treat an old bicycle?

The bike has been left unused for very long. Gears are dry and rusty. You have to get this bike running on one condition. You can't change its gears, you can only condition it.

Method one:
Grease it, and start intensive cycling immediately.

Method two:
Grease it, slowly turn the gears to let the grease even out and then start cycling gradually building speed.

Which would you do to save the bike?

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Words of Wisdom - 1

Life is a journey, Dreams are destinations.
You can't run a marathon blindly without direction and check points. That's why we have many small objectives that act as check points to keep us in pace and track to achieve our big dreams.

New blog home!

Phew... Finally done with editing the template...

Trying to get my 50 reasons right - Part 1

01) Let my parents retire

02) Support my parents

03) Support my wife to be with a good life!

04) Support my future family with a good life

05) Get my dad a new car

06) Get my mum a new car

07) Let people who care for me stop worrying about me

08) Save up fast enough to have a fully paid up grand wedding for the happiness of my wife to be!

09) A home big enough to let my wife & family live comfortably

That's all I can think of for now... 9 out of 50... How?? Ah har! One more!

10) Help Brian get his car!

The Missing Word - You

New meaning into my life... New stars into my dark dark sky... Happiness to me...

My strongest and only reason to stay on, to fight on, to succeed... Why I want to achieve the things I have set to achieve before...

New hopes & wishes, Old Dreams New reasons
Time to stop at very special moments... A car I call my own to drive around anytime anywhere... A house to shelter...


About my work...
Lost the fire... Lost the spirit... Losing the momentum... Losing the focus... Just want to disappear from the face of the earth... But I can't... There are people I cant just leave alone... People who trusted me... People who supports me... People who fights by my side... Because of so many people... My performance kills me... I can't face you people...

Other than work...
Heavy... Confused... But when you're there...dont have to be physically... Delighted... Problems hide away from me...

Lesson Learnt...
With your help I've come to realised something about myself... Not new... but I never knew I was like that... That lesson is me not wanting to implicate others and doing things myself...

The Silent 1st Talk About Organ

A... feeling... accompanying... hearing... listening... looking... watching...
If only... If... When...?

Opening the door bit by bit

Entry transferred from friendster blog -

Sleepless nights... Thoughts running... Challenges arising... Mentally Fatigued... Weaken self... Mixed Emotions...

So many things to say but so little people I can tell to. Do you want to be the one I can say everything to? If you will see me as a distraction then I'd rather not say anything. I will wait till it no longer seems as a distraction to you to say it.

That's about all I can think of. It not my first time blogging but I don't have the habit to maintain one. So far in my whole life this is probably my 5th post ever? Rest were mindless childish entries... How else can I blog when things I want to say you cant read?